Two TKHS BPA Students Earn Trips to National Competition

Hummer was the first place winner and state champion in Networking Concepts Using Cisco.  He also took seventh in Linux Operating Systems.

Hamming was the first place winner and state champion in Fundamental Spreadsheet Applications.

Other BPA students who competed were Natalie Alden, Caleb Andrews, Audrey Guikema and Tyler Voss. TKHS teacher Keith Hamming is the TK BPA club advisor.

BPA is an organization supporting business and information technology educators by offering co-curricular opportunities. There are more than 45,000 members in 1,800 chapters across the country.

The goal of the organization is to provide opportunities for self-improvement, leadership development, professionalism, community service, career development, public relations, student cooperation and safety and health.

According to the BPA organization website, a major program of the BPA is the Workplace Skills Assessment Program (WSAP), which assesses real-world business skills and problem solving abilities in finance, management, IT and computer applications.