TKHS Students Earn BPA Honors

Although the competition was very different this year being hosted virtually rather than in person, students were still able to test their skills and gain valuable practice skills.

TK BPA members earning honors are:

Caedon Zube:  First in extemporaneous speech and third in banking and finance

Emma Fabiano:  Second in extemporaneous speech and fifth in banking and finance

Kaden Hamming: First in fundamental word processing and second in digital media production

Jack Cove:  Fourth in payroll accounting

Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a national, career/technical organization founded nationally in 1966. Students compete at regional, state and national levels in more than 60 workplace skills assessment program events. Michigan has more than 4,000 members. According to the Michigan BPA web site, the mission of the organization is to develop and empower students to discover their passion and create opportunities in learning, professional growth and service.