Two BPA Students Qualify for Nationals

Zube finished fourth in Extemporaneous Speech and Hamming finished fifth in Digital Media Production. This year, the top five in each event qualified to move on to Nationals which will be held virtually in late April and May.

Business Professionals of America was started in 1966 and today helps provide high school students with opportunities to learn and compete in a variety of business-related areas. The Workplace Skill Assessment Program provides students to demonstrate workplace skills in more than 90 categories under six assessment areas of finance, business administration, management information systems, digital communication and design, management, marketing and communication, and health administration. 

The organization has more than 45,000 members in 1,800 chapters across the United States. The BPA website states the mission of the organization is "To develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service."

TKHS teacher Keith Hamming is the BPA coach.