This comedy shares the story of a famously outlandish big-city radio broadcaster who agrees to dine with a prominent Ohio family while on his lecture tour. After he slips and falls outside their home, he is forced to recuperate for weeks inside the home and wreaks havoc on the family and the lives of those around him.
TKHS students performing in the cast include:
Lukas Walters as Sheridan Whiteside
Chiya Collantes as Maggie Cutler
Gabriel Rose as Bert Jefferson
Michael Sager-Wissner as Beverly Carlton
Valerie Tamez as Lorraine
Anthony Sager-Wissner as Mr. Stanley
Terrence Gentz as Mrs. Stanley
Jackson Lambitz as Dr. Bradley
Other cast members are Mist Barnes, Alex Evens, Miranda Ova-Ayala, Lilly Stora, Keeghan Simerly, Leigha Jones, Ellie Baranek, Liam Jones, Morela Gielincki, Aleena Slomp, Erin Kridler, Travis Grabmeyer, Emma Johnson, Sheamus Nutt, Kai Eggers, Lizbeth Lopez, and Jennifer Ramirez.
Members of the stage, sound and recording crews include Charlotte Riffel, Hannah Gunnink, Evalyn Archambault, Makayla Chapin-Dyer, Raegen Chapman, Cole Novak, Blake Riffel, Cayla Brouwer, Hudson Thomas, Maddie Rose, Makayla Dillon, James Walker.
Tickets are available to purchase online at Ludus - Thornapple Kellogg Schools and will be sold prior to the show each night. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students. Make plans now to come out and see this hilariously funny show!