Fellow teacher Kelly Davidson nominated Maring for the honor and introduced her at the banquet. Davidson said Maring makes art fun for the students, but also makes them work hard. Many students have won prestigious awards and been accepted to major art schools. Maring also incorporates writing and literacy with art.
"She is loved and admired by both staff and students," said Davidson. "She shares with them (her students) her hope, her positive energy, her passion and her caring. She's that teacher who has kids in her room from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and they never want to leave."
In addition to teaching, Maring has coached Odyssey of the Mind teams, is the art department chairperson, been on the school improvement team for many years, and served as a special education department advisor.
"She is an irreplaceable asset to our school and community," said Davidson.
Maring graciously accepted the award, but also quickly thanked her family, her TK colleagues and the TK community for supporting her.