Earning the John Philip Sousa Awards in concert band was Alexis Watson and from the symphonic band was Hannah Barton. Usually, band director Ray Rickert said, only one award is given each year and it is generally reserved for a symphonic band member. But, he said this year was an exception and he decided to give two awards.
Also recognized was senior drum major Madison Craven. Jazz band member Spencer DeVries earned the Outstanding Jazz Band member award.
Senior members in the bands recognized for their accomplishments were concert band members Avery Martin, Saige Satterfield, Alexis Watson, Maison Simmons, Seth Padgett, Juan Gonzales, and Cassie Bush.
Senior members of the symphonic band recognized were Trinity Palasek, Samm Totten, Josie DeHaan, Sydney VanPolen, Lia Miller, Hannah Barton, Grant Mulder, Jane Replogle, Nathan Kooiman, Ryan Brower, Spencer DeVries, Zach Donker, Justin Scholten, Madison Craven, Kayla Bowen, Bella Peters, Megan Logan, Andrew Gosson, Carly Kolean, Collin Miller, Sam Finnie, Hailey McCue, Autumn Cooper. Senior jazz band member Samuel Ogrodzinski was also honored.
Senior members of the jazz band recognized were Megan Logan, Hannah Barton, Sam Ogrodzinski, Bella Peters, Jackson Reed, Nathan Kooiman, and Spencer DeVries. The Outstanding Jazz Band Award was presented to Spencer DeVries!