TKHS October Students of the Month Honored
The TKHS October students of the month were recently honored. Pictured in front from left are seniors Lauryn Abbott, Georgia Kaboos, Alexander Miller, Shylin Robirds, Cole Risner, Jack Schneider, Dominik Strak, Brad Syers (second row) juniors Emma Bainbridge, Carmen Beemer, Genesis Bowers, Savannah Bronkema, Katrina Chapman, Josiah Ray, Corrin Replogle, Thomas Solomon, Anna Timm, Andrew Tuokkola, Claudia Wilkinson (third row) sophomores Brett Caswell, Claire Sierawski (back row) freshmen Nicholas Barton, Sophia Beckering, Aislynn Bierenga, Michael Blair, Mitchell Corner, Eli Fliearman, Jennifer Logan, Grace McNabnay and Collin Wright. Not available for the photo were junior Charles VanDemark, sophomore Larissa Robinson, and freshman Tilona Haskin.